What this shortcake lacks is fresh, cut strawberries. Because they’re in the sauce, people. It makes it easy to bring places and to make ahead. Plus, I made strawberry malts with the sauce later. Rave reviews from my dad, the king of the strawberry malt. When we were growing up, the only time we ever stopped for ice cream was on the way to the cabin. We would find a Dairy Queen or other ice cream shop and stop. All the kids were allowed a single ice cream cone or Dilly Bar, and my dad would get a large strawberry malt. He did not share.
Sift all your dry ingredients together and add the lemon peel. I find this ensures good lemon peel distribution.
Add your wet ingredients to another bowl. Mix ’em up and then slowly add the sifted dry ingredients.
That parchment paper again. Invest in some. It makes this whole “getting the cake out the pan” process easy peasy.
I’m going to tell you a secret. My lovely daughter was trying to help at this point. My camera was bumped. There was a dark spot that started to appear on all images. (Sensor needed cleaning.) Henceforth, there are no images of the finished cake (although I swear I took one) or the sauce, or the…wait. I made the whipped cream in the Boundary Waters.
After cutting the cake in half, I wrapped it in plastic wrap (Saran Wrap, if you must know), placed it in the fridge along with the strawberry sauce and then, when it was time to pack, I took all of that and a pint of heavy whipping cream and stuck it in the cooler. All of that to serve to my wonderful family. Loving family. With ice cream purchased at Trail Center on the Gunflint Trail. In the woods. With a moose.
Lemony Shortbread with Strawberry Sauce and Whipped Cream…and Maybe a Little Ice Cream Too Based on this recipe and this recipe |
Ingredients for Shortcake 2 cups cake flour 1 1/2 cups sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 large eggs 3/4 cup whole milk 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled Rind of one and a half lemons (other half of lemon to be used in Strawberry Lemon Sauce) Juice of one lemon Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and stir in lemon rind. Using a whisk or whisk attachment on your mixer, lightly beat eggs and then whisk in milk, oil, butter and lemon juice. Mix in dry ingredients, 1/2 cup at a time, until completely incorporated. Pour batter onto parchment-lined 15″x10″ sheet pan and bake for 30 minutes at 350º. Remove from oven. Allow to cool and cut in half. Ingredients for Strawberry Lemon Sauce 2 cups sliced fresh strawberries 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch Juice of 1/2 lemon Cook all ingredients until bubbly in a saucepan over medium heat. For a smooth sauce, use an immersion blender to blend until smooth. For a chunkier sauce, ignore that step. Continue simmering for five minutes. Allow to cool slightly before transferring to a heat-safe container. Completely cool in fridge. Store in fridge until ready to serve. Ingredients for Whipped Cream 2 cups heavy whipping cream 1/2 cup sugar Beat whipping cream and sugar until stiff peaks form or desired whipped cream consistency is reached. Lick beaters, fingers, bowl. Store in fridge. To assemble cake: Layer cake>strawberry sauce>cake>strawberry sauce. Cut into squares and serve with whipped cream. Add a scoop of ice cream if you so dare. Eat. Eat some more. 12 servings. |
If you remember something you need to do while you’re working on something else, try jotting it down on your to-do list so you don’t forget about it.
Try to take a quick break every 50 minutes or so. You can walk around your house, get a quick snack, or check your texts.
All the kids were allowed a single ice cream cone or Dilly Bar, and my dad would get a large strawberry malt. He did not share.